Continuing training company in Lithuania guarantees fundamental changes in people’s lives and the achievement of organisational goals

For 16 years we have been developing training programmes that are unparalleled in Lithuania and guarantee results!

Premium quality continuing training programmes for those who want to dramatically improve their quality of life and leadership skills


The only personality changing programme in Lithuania that guarantees results for people who want to radically improve their quality of life.

PHRONESIS leadership academy®

A unique, systematic and practical change programme for managers in Lithuania, focused on enabling managers to turn organisational goals into results

In more than 16 years, we have helped change thousands of lives!

Participants who maximise their involvement in our programmes exceed their expectations

100% guaranteed result

ALL participants who successfully complete the training programmes achieve 100% of their goals, and over 89% exceed them

The biggest number of positive reviews from training participants in Lithuania

OVER 1500 positive reviews from real training participants

Measurable return on investment

Return on investment (ROI) of > €3.4 for every euro invested in training


In 2034, we set the global benchmark for top-quality training on all five continents

We are committed to our vision — our products will reach the global market and change programmes will be conducted on all 5 continents

We are therefore embarking on our global expansion and building a unique team:


We seek business partners who want to build a UNIQUE BUSINESS together in foreign markets.


We need COACHES to run programmes locally in foreign markets in Lithuanian and local languages.

Sales person

If you consider yourself a sales professional,

we invite you to become a sales consultant for life-changing training programmes

Want to get started?

We invite those who felt interested to get in touch and talk more about the plan.

Tomas Stonys will answer all your burning questions. When applying, please indicate which position interests you.

We are creators and Coaches of continuous, methodical and result-oriented change programmes

We do this by delivering real and measurable change for people and companies seeking sustainable results in business, career and personal life.

Our continuing training programmes: 

DaVinci 365® ARCHITECTUS and PHRONESIS Leadership Academy®

For personal effectiveness


The only personality changing programme in Lithuania that guarantees results for people who want to radically improve their quality of life.

For effective leadership

PHRONESIS Leadership Academy®

A unique, systematic and practical change programme for managers in Lithuania, focused on enabling managers to turn organisational goals into results

Continuing Training Programme Coaches and Partners:

Tomas Kaulinskas

Tomas is the founder of the Center of Continuing Training, a developer of continuing education programmes and a recognised expert in long-term personal change. He is a Personal Effectiveness and Effective Leadership Coach, with more than 16 years of experience. Specialising in and working with deep transformations of people’s thinking and behavioural habits.

Tomas Stonys

PHRONESIS Leadership Academy® Change Coach and Partner of the Center of Continuing Training. With over 26 years of experience, especially in multinational companies, has given Tomas all the essential tools for helping businesses achieve their desired growth, international success and recognition. 

Training guaranteed to deliver results

„This programme was the only one of the trainings and workshops we have already tried and tested that offered concrete benefits. Our company has become more organised, with clearer priorities, responsibilities, and objectives, and a clearer sense of where we are going and what we are working towards.”

– Julius Beinoravičius,  CEO UAB „Ingstad&Co"

Clear and structured

„This is the kind of training that managers need —

it is precise, straightforward, clear, structured, challenging.”

– Almantas Čebanauskas,Director UAB „Eikos statyba“

Professional and based on a clear methodology

„By far one of the most professional trainings I have attended. I haven’t noticed anything unnecessary in the programme, everything is bang on target.”

– Ramūnas Každailys, Sales Manager, UAB „Zootaip“ 

A high-value programme

„A high-value programme. This is not a dry presentation of information. This programme gives you the knowledge and skills to apply in your work and life. Order is established both professionally and in the mind throughout the programme, so I developed a clear sense of direction, and I know how things work after completing this programme.”

– Vygantas Birbalas, Head of Operations, UAB „LOTOS BALTICA“ 

The best investment in YOURSELF

„The wealth of knowledge and experience I have gained at the Leadership Academy is the best investment I have made in my personal development in recent years. This has triggered transformations in my personal life and the organisation I lead.”

– Artūras Gimžauskas, Director, VšĮ Utenos Utenis 

The training has been 100% beneficial

„I give myself 10/10 for deciding to participate in the DaVinci 365® ARCHITECTUS change programme.”

– Vytautas Žilys, Head of Large Corporate Clients Projects, AB „Nordea Bank“ 

Want to get started?

We invite those who felt interested to get in touch and talk more about the plan.

Tomas Stonys will answer all your burning questions. When applying, please indicate which position interests you.

Our services are trusted by the CEOs of renowned and fast-growing companies

Learn more first-hand about our results

What do participants who have completed continuing training programmes say?

Ramūnas Každailys

Head of Sales, UAB „Zootaip“

„By far one of the most professional training I have


Vygintas Zmejauskas

Director, UAB „Kordis“ 

„I benefited from the training within just a few

weeks, with a decrease in my issues and  workload.”

Sandra Burokaitė

Manager, MB „Apgalvotas mokymas"

„Our company has made a breakthrough

thanks to this programme.”

Darius Gagys
Head of Baltic Sales, UAB „Danfoss“ 

„The company has become more organised.

We have a clearer sense of where we are going and what we are

working to achieve.”

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Remigijus Žiogas

Event organiser/host

I am calmer now, my life is less stressful, and I approach things more naturally. I am more natural and more open.

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Evelina Trukšinienė 


The internal changes led me to understand my own worth and gaining confidence in life. I see this as the most significant change since the DaVinci 365 ARCHITECTUS training.

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Rasa Andriuškevičienė

Head of dental clinic

There are 24 hours a day, and today, after the DaVinci 365 ARCHITECTUS training, I get much more done than before.

Dainius Židanavičius

Divorce lawyer


 is one of the best investments

you can make in yourself.”

Rosita Stancevičiūtė

HR Project Manager

„I have a clear idea of what I want to do and achieve in my personal and professional life over the next five years.”

Asta Gudiškienė

UAB „BNM Finance“ Head of Department

„I achieved the objectives I wrote down at the beginning of the programme and a lot more. It’s one of the best investments I’ve ever made in MYSELF.”

Kęstutis Liegus

UAB „Biomedikos centras“ Director

„I have more responsibility, I am more open, planning, and motivated to do things. This change is significant for me as a manager.”

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Vaida Mačianskienė

"Lithuanian National Olympic Committee" Director of International Relations

The PHRONESIS Leadership Academy® helped me to prioritise. I feel more open and understanding now. Previously, though, these were my weakest traits.

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Lukas Balčiūnas

Co-founder of the Gerovės Clinic / Doctor

This training is ideal: you’ll learn and apply essential knowledge and complex concepts and have a mentor throughout the year.

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Sigita Zubickienė

UAB AVIVA Group Manager

The PHRONESIS Leadership Academy® has changed me as a leader and as a person. It has given me confidence every step of the way.

Viktorija Paleckienė

Business Development Manager, UAB „First Priority" 

„The coach is very competent,

with excellent audience management,

and easily captures attention.

The training material is presented in a clear, interesting,

professional, and targeted manner."

Benas Majauskas

Manager, UAB „Skulas“

„I started the programme very

actively, eagerly,

and enthusiastically, and I reached 95% of my goals in six months rather than a year.”

Sigita Zubrickienė

Group manager, UAB „Aviva“

„The PHRONESIS Leadership Academy® has changed me as a leader and as a person. It has given me confidence every step of the way.”

Evaldas Vytautas Tocionis

Director, UAB „Ameritus“ 

„I am much calmer,

more confident, much more self-assured, and have rediscovered the joy of life.”

Adress: Savanorių pr. 1-149, (18th floor), Helios City, Vilnius
Adress: Gedimino str. 43, Kaunas
Phone number: +37067912626

© 2008–2024 All rights reserved UAB Center of Continuing Training


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